Enhancing Efficiency for a District Heating Operator
Heat Networks

District heating operators face challenges in optimising system efficiency, leading to higher carbon emissions, increased energy costs, and reduced service quality for residents.
Our Brief
A district heating operator supplying over 1,000 properties in a sustainable community faced challenges in understanding the efficiency of their system. They aimed to reduce carbon emissions, provide high-quality heat service, and minimise energy costs for residents.
Our Solution
The operator deployed cThings technology to collect data from their energy supplier, individual residential meters, and the Building Management System (BMS). This provided valuable insights into network efficiency and allowed for the setting of performance targets. The data enabled better control of the BMS and facilitated targeted maintenance efforts.
The Results
Network efficiency improved dramatically, rising from 32% to over 65%. Despite rising wholesale energy prices, residents did not experience any price increases due to the enhanced system efficiency. This success contributed to the creation of a truly sustainable community.
- Increased network efficiency from 32% to over 65%
- Stabilised energy costs for residents despite rising energy prices
- Improved system performance through better control and targeted maintenance
- Contributed to a more sustainable, efficient community